Five Tips To Set Up The Perfect Home Office

The key to being productive when working from home is all about your home office. Designate a corner of your home as a workspace and kit it out with the furniture, tech, stationery you need. Here are five tips that will get you started. Measure the space: When furniture shopping for a home office, don’t rely on your memory. Exact dimensions of the space your working with will help you find a desk or filing cabinet that won’t overwhelm the room.  Have a foolproof budget: Look for furniture that is serviceable but stylish. Make a budget for big-ticket items such as a desk, chair and filing cabinet and leave a little breathing room for accessories. Keep an eye out for deals and discounts too. Define your style: You can identify what furniture and office spaces appeal to you by creating a vision board. Look at pictures of offices online and offline. Print out and cut the ones you like to stick onto your board. When the board is full, you’ll have an idea of what you’re looking for. Keep in mind thaT all the furniture you buy should look like they fit together. Invest in a good chair: Pick an ergonomic chair with an adjustable height and horizontal and vertical mobility. If you’re buying a chair with wheels make sure that it will roll on the kind of floors you have. Function over style: Yes, we all want an office that looks great, but remember to have functional pieces that will help you be more productive. People often buy practical desks and chairs but then fall off the wagon when it comes to storage solutions. Choose space-saving vertical storage solutions, drawers that slide open easily or easy access storage cubbies.